The Romanians Are Coming
With numbers of immigrants rising in the UK and laws changing around the possibility of work, this documentary series explores the lives of Romanians trying to make a new life in Britain.
Originally broadcast on Channel 4, Tuesday 17 February 2015.
Not just watchable and balanced (it is neither patronising nor handwringingly worthy), The Romanians Are Coming is moving, and human, the personal side of a political story. Such an important story too, in the upcoming election, and in this part of the world today. You can’t ask for a lot more of a documentary.
- Narrated by: Alex Fechete Petru
- Composers: Matt Davidson, Chavo
- Fixer: Paul Lungu
- Production Team: Dave Bourke, Charlotte Stone, German Fares, Jonathan Shaw, Daniel Finn
- Translators: Hanna Ivascu, Roxana Florea, Iulia Florea, Ionut Stamate, Georgiana Murariu, Mihaela Bucsa
- Production Assistant: Charlie Critchley
- Assistant Editor: Eliza Stephens
- Location Researchers: Gus Palmer, Ira Merzlichin, Iulia Stoian
- Production Accountant: Beverly Booth
- Production Coordinator: Louise Vitols
- Production Manager: Jade Miller-Robinson
- Head of Production: Maddy Allen
- Producers: Claudia Murg, Abi Mowbray, Jamie Seal
- Executive Producers: Andrew Palmer, Katie Buchanan
- Series Editor: Simon Sykes
- Filmed, Produced and Directed: James Bluemel